Drones in Construction

Drones are very popular in the building industry as the fact that they provide an aerial view of a site at a comparatively smaller amount of the cost of the construction. It has been a major innovation in last few years. This means they can be used to develop plans, track progress and monitor any issues throughout the construction process.

Drones help to track and communicate progress, track and manage materials and assets, reduce theft, improve owner visibility, increase safety, and provide valuable information for improving design changes.

Here’s a look at some of the ways drones have already changed the industry and how these trends will impact construction operations in the future.

Surveying Land

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are rapidly replacing traditional land-surveillance methods. They are growing in popularity so rapidly that some have even abandoned the classic “bird’s-eye view” expression with “drones eye view.”  Drones greatly reduce the labour and time involved in producing accurate surveys. Drones eliminate much of the human error involved in the process and have the ability to capture necessary data in much less time than traditional methods would take.

Improvements to Infrastructure

Drones provide superior endurance and intelligence on job sites. Their ability to collect and report data allows them to complete work faster. In the future drones will take on even more integral tasks involved in large projects.

Communication and Management

Drones are being used more and more as a means of maintaining constant contact at worksites. Drones are providing real time data and that will impact a sharp increase in efficiency in communication and management.

Improved Overall Security

The advent of drones is causing a sharp increase in security efficiency.

Accurate Surveillance

Drones have the ability to be practically everywhere at the same time. They don’t just reduce the theft and keep workers safer but also create an around-the-clock, real-time monitoring system that has already been adopted by a number of construction companies. They elevate onsite security and safety by a tremendous margin.

Transportation and Inspection

The use of drones in job site inspection also means a drastic increase in worksite safety by eliminating numerous dangers and safety hazards. Using drones to transport goods aerially allows companies to execute difficult inspections and keep track of everything that enters and leaves the job site. It saves money and time and keeps the site secure.https://www.youtube.com/embed/AMq9YpqA-To?version=3&rel=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&fs=1&hl=en&autohide=2&wmode=transparent


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Blog Written by
Shruti Doshi
Technical Officer – Sanghi Cement & Blogger

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Nirav Pandya
Digital Marketing Officer – Sanghi Cement