because we care



Sanghi Industries Limited (SIL) actively follows the goals of Sustainable Development by being responsive to the environment through responsible manufacturing.
We promote a sustainable circular economy through implementation and monitoring of viable measures like waste reduction, eco-friendly and energy-saving production, use of alternative fuels and raw material, and emission control.
For SIL, sustainability is about balancing economic success, creating jobs in the process, reducing impact of climate change, and social progress to benefit all our stakeholders.

CO2 Mitigation

CO2 Mitigation

Sanghi is a responsible manufacturer and a committed company that believes in positive transformation.
Our aim is to become a sustainable producer of cement through improved production methods and formulations that effectively reduce CO2 emissions.

Sustainability Reports

Reducing Carbon Footprint

Green Belt Development


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Annual Sustainability Report 2021 - 2022

Reducing Carbon Footprint

A specialized Central Environment Management Committee has been set up for quantifying, accounting and mitigating CO2 emissions. The committee follows ISO:14064-1:2006 and IPCC guidelines for conducting carbon footprint analysis. Direct and indirect CO2 emission is monitored throughout the manufacturing process.

The company focuses on the following major levels :

Alternative Fuel and Raw materials (AFR)

We use recyclable industrial, liquid hazardous waste and solid municipal waste in the cement kiln, significantly reducing high carbon emitting fuels like coal and pet coke. We are improving the clinker factor, and increasing reliance on OPC blends that use easily available raw materials like industrial waste or by-products, resulting in overall reduction in carbon emissions.

Waste Heat Recovery

Our efforts are focused on waste heat recovery and utilisation, wherein released thermal energy can be converted to power and substituted for fossil-fuel used in the processes.

The company has setup a Waste Heat Recovery System with an installed capacity of 13 MWH. The hot waste gas coming out from the preheater and clinker cooler is used to generate green power, thereby reducing indirect emission of CO2 from the unit. The power generated by the project is utilised in clinker manufacturing.

Energy efficient technologies

We have adopted the latest technology for efficiency improvement, which has significantly reduced carbon emission. Our entire manufacturing process is in auto loop with advanced control systems. The electrical and thermal energy is monitored on real-time basis to execute corrective measures.

Emission Control

Online emission monitoring equipment has been installed at all the process stacks to monitor particulate matter, sulphur di-oxide (SO2) and oxides of nitrogen (NOx).

All the parameters are maintained well within the specified limit as per notification of the Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change (MoEF&CC). Monitored data is transmitted to the Central and State Pollution Control Board server.

Green Belt Development

At Sanghi Cement, we take pride in our clean and green cement plant. Our initiatives, as a part of the greenbelt development, include:

  • Planting of around 4 lakh trees in and around the campus ensuring near-zero dust generation. This green zone has enabled drop in temperature of the plant by 1-2 degrees, in comparison to the surrounding areas.
  • Eco-restoration of the area and conservation of indigenous plant species found in the Kutch region.
  • We carry out organic farming and grow a special variety of Kutchi pure Kesar mangoes, along with other fruits and vegetables. We also grow high medicinal value plants like amla, etc., at our plant premises.
  • For all horticulture development activities, we encourage employment of the local people. We use recycled waste water through efficient techniques like drip irrigation, ensuring a ‘more crop per drop’ policy.

Water Conservation

Water Conservation

The Kutch region is severely drought prone, particularly the area where our plant is located experiences acute scarcity of water.
The area receives scanty rainfall and ground water is not available to very great depth.
To ensure adequate availability of water for the plant, our employees, and the neighbouring communities, we make sure that our water conservation initiatives are always on the fast track.

Rainwater Harvesting

Minimising Water Wastage

Rainwater Harvesting

SIL is a net water surplus company. This mean achievement is a result of a unique water harvesting method.

  • Our mined pits are converted into water reservoirs to store rain water. This water storage capacity is sufficient to cater to the water requirements of the plant as well as three neighbouring villages for three consecutive years.
  • We have also constructed four check dams to meet the water requirements for different agricultural and horticultural activities in the face of acute water scarcity in the area. It is a blessing for the people of the neighbouring villages, who use this water for different purposes like irrigation, cattle feed, domestic consumption, etc.

Minimising Water Wastage

The Sanghi Water Conservation Cell is a centralized unit set up to manage water consumption and identify areas for conservation.

Following steps have been taken to minimise water consumption :

  • Metering and online monitoring
  • Creating awareness through training programmes
  • Water recycling
    • Utilisation of RO / DM / Boiler reject water for plantation
    • Zero discharge through 100% recycling
  • Employing drip irrigation to water the plantations
  • Using recycled wastewater, treated by the natural Root Zone Treatment System
  • Installation of auto sensors to minimise water wastage
  • Enhancement in sea water cooling tower Cycle of Concentration (COC)
  • Process optimisation through air balance to conserve water

Stakeholder Care

Stakeholder Care

At Sanghi, we care about all those whose lives are affected by us. Since the inception of our Company, we have undertaken various missions related to health and hygiene, Education, rural development and Environment protection and enhancement in area of our Operation. Being a responsible corporate citizen, we have undertaken initiatives to provide direct and indirect employment opportunities to the locals, and ensured a balanced development of the region.



Community building

Senior Care


Sanghi operates a complete Health Care Centre, with a fully functional pathological lab at Sanghipuram (the company township), catering to our employees as well as people from the surrounding 15 villages. The medical centre facilitates:

  • A senior medical officer and a nurse, available round-the-clock
  • Free medical check-ups and medicines to the villagers
  • Fully equipped ambulance for emergency services
  • Special healthcare related drives, like the Covid, Malaria, etc. Awareness Programme
  • Blood donation and vaccination (Covid, DPT, MMR, measles, polio, etc.) camps
  • Established a Covid Isolation Center at Naliya in association with local authorities


SIL believes that education powers the mind, and paves the path to progress. In our endeavour to provide a holistic learning environment for the children of nearby villages and our employees, we run a CBSE affiliated high school – Smt. Kamla Rani Sanghi Public School – at Sanghipuram. The school premises include laboratories, a library, and even a playground for sports activities. Our other education related initiatives include:

  • A balwadi (pre-school) for the children of our factory workers. Here the children are also provided with healthy meals, in keeeping with the government’s balwadi nutrition programme
  • Provision of balwadis in the villages in the vicinity
  • ‘Adult Education’ programmes for the villagers

Community building

SIL takes special interest in the development of the local community, while ensuring that their cultural heritage and values are intact. We regularly organise events and functions both at local and regional levels, celebrating festivals and other occasions with great gusto.
Caring for the rural areas situated around our township – Sanghipuram, has become a part of the company’s mission. As a part of our social service drives, we organise:

  • Cross cultural fine arts activities like art camps, music and dance programmes to promote local talent
  • Free water and fodder for cattle owned by the local villagers during droughts or water scarcity
  • Seva Camps near the pilgrimage place – Mata-no-madh, and provide food and medical assistance to the visiting pilgrims
  • Rehabilitation camps and relief activities in the difficult times of natural disasters like earthquake, cyclone, etc.

Senior Care

One of our projects that has given us immense satisfaction and is a matter of pride for SIL, is the development of a ‘Dada-Dadi park’ in 2005 at our district headquarters in Bhuj, as a part of our initiatives for the senior citizens.

It has become a popular centre where the elderly come for morning and evening walks, spend time meeting friends, and participate in various cultural and literary activities and programmes specially organised for them on a regular basis. We consider this a fitting tribute to the elderly generation, who form the very foundation of our society today.