Smart Home

Smart Home

Very interesting and curious subject. What do we do if we need to talk to someone or getting bored? We just either turn on the television or call someone. Right? So, we cna say that we are living with the gadgets almost 24 hours. What if you will get luxury to switch on or switch off the gadgets by just one click sitting at any place? What if not just computers and smartphones, but everything clocks, speakers, lights, doorbells, cameras, windows, window blinds, hot water heaters, appliances, cooking utensils all connect through internet and they all could communicate, send you information, and take your commands? Sounds great..That thought even gave us tremendous joy. Am I right? By the way, this is happening now a days. It is real. Smart home offers to run gadgets on your command.

It’s a feeling like a king. You just need to command and everything is sorted out. Any device in your home that uses electricity can be put on your home network and at your command. Whether you give that command by voice, remote control, tablet or smartphone, the home reacts. Smart home applications usually comprise the set up of lighting, home security, home theater and entertainment, and thermostat regulation. The first contemporary Smart home technology products became available to consumers between 1998 and the early 2000s. Smart home technology allows users to control and monitor their connected home devices from smart home apps, smartphones or from other networked devices. Users can remotely control connected home systems whether they are home or away. This allows for more efficient energy and electric use as well as ensuring your home is secure.

Below are the all devices of smart home technology.

  • Wireless speaker systems
  • Thermostats
  • Home security & monitoring systems
  • Domestic robots
  • Smoke/CO detectors
  • Lighting
  • Home energy use monitors
  • Door locks
  • Refrigerators
  • Laundry machines
  • Water detectors


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